In addition to the projects which Centre for Education Policy implements, on its own or in cooperation with other institutions, CEP also conducts commissioned analyses, produces reports for various institutions and organisations and supports relevant initiatives in the field of education. On this page, we provide the list of these activities.
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Evaluation of the Scholarship Programme for Master's and Doctoral Studies Abroad of the Fund for Young Talents (April - August 2024)
One of the key programmes of the Fund for Young Talents of the Republic of Serbia is the scholarship programme supporting master's and doctoral students at leading world universities. The programme aims to enable scholarship recipients to apply their acquired knowledge and skills in Serbia upon their return. To assess the programme's effectiveness and identify areas for improvement, an evaluation was conducted between April and August 2024.
The evaluation team employed a mixed-methods approach, which included a review of the Fund for Young Talents' documentation, interviews with scholarship recipients, Fund representatives, and relevant experts, as well as quantitative analysis of data on scholarship recipients. Furthermore, the team conducted a comparative analysis of similar scholarship programmes in North Macedonia, Estonia, and Malta.
Based on the findings, an evaluation report was compiled with recommendations for enhancing the scholarship programme. These recommendations focus on establishing more transparent scholarship award criteria, including consideration of candidates' socio-economic backgrounds. They also call for increased support for scholarship recipients during their studies through mentoring, workshops, and networking opportunities. Furthermore, the report suggests defining priority fields of study aligned with the strategic needs of the Republic of Serbia. Finally, it emphasizes the need to clarify the obligations of scholarship recipients after graduation to ensure knowledge transfer and contributions to Serbia's development.
Implementing these recommendations is expected to make the scholarship programme more accessible and equitable, improve its effectiveness, and better support young talents in Serbia.
Inquiry of parents' contentment with half-day flexible programs within the project "Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care“ (September 2023 - February 2024)
One of the key results of the project " Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care" (within the project component "Supporting young children and families from vulnerable groups") is that around 3,800 children had been included in the system of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) through half-day/flexible programs, specifically, children from marginalized social groups aged 3 to 5,5 years. Therefore, Centre for Education Policy (CEP) is conducting research to assess the quality and effectiveness of these programs through a survey for parents/guardians of children from 34 local self-government units.
As part of this task, CEP is developing a research methodological framework with instruments, and it is piloting instruments and conducting telephone survey on a sample of 450 parents/guardians.
CEP is also designing an evaluation report based on research results, with recommendations for the implementation of project interventions into the ECEC system, which should contribute to further improvement of early development and learning opportunities, reduction of inequality in ECEC, greater availability and diversification of the offer of programs, etc.
Analysis of the role and position of non-state actors in Serbia and Montenegro for the purposes of the UNESCO study (April-July 2022)
Centre for Education Policy, in cooperation with the Network of Educational Policy Centers (NEPC), analysed data on the role and position of non-state actors in education for both Serbia and Montenegro, for the purposes of preparing the UNESCO study. The analysis aimed to answer questions such as what public policies, legal documents and other acts exist and regulate the engagement of non-state actors in the provision of education, what are the ways in which non-state actors are engaged in the provision of education within the education system, etc.
The results of two analyses for Serbia and Montenegro, as well as for numerous other countries, were key sources and basis for designing of the UNESCO study "NON-STATE ACTORS IN EDUCATION: Who chooses?" Who loses?" which we recommend because it systematizes important and so-far missing data from different countries, and invites educational policy makers to reconsider relations with non-state actors in terms of fundamental choices: between equality and freedom of choice; between encouraging initiative and setting standards; between education and other social sectors, etc.
Regional Youth Leadership Mobility Program (October 2021 – June 2022)
Project "Regional Youth Leadership Mobility Program" is jointly implemented by the Centre for Education Policy from Belgrade (Serbia) and the Center for Science, Innovation and Development (SCiDEV) from Tirana (Albania), with the support of the Open Society Foundation from Serbia and Albania. Project aims to improve regional and intercultural cooperation between young people from Serbia and Albania, strengthen leadership competencies, competencies for active participation, engagement and advocacy for change in society, improve their research competencies, critical thinking, advocacy skills, etc.
Eight young researchers were selected through an open call for research projects published in Serbia and Albania and gained the opportunity to get to know another country better during the project, participate in a research and leadership capacity building program and conduct research on selected topics with mentoring support. Researchers applied with topics under the two priority areas, Digital Transformation in Education and Youth Participation.
During the project, young researchers will have the opportunity to do comparative research, have organized joint cultural activities and help each other in the research process during their stay in Albania or Serbia. After the completion of the research, each of the young researchers will promote and use the findings of their research in line with the advocacy plan they developed during the project and organize independent youth initiatives.
Watch the video about the importance of the "Regional Youth Leadership Mobility Program" project and the experience of young researchers and representatives of the organizations that implemented the project:
Teachers and support personnel analysis within UNESCO Regional report on inclusion and education in Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (2020)
Within the progress reporting on 4 sustainable development goal (SDG), UNESCO is preparing the Regional report on inclusion and education in Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia in 2020.
Centre for education policy is responsible for data analysis on teachers and support personnel from a total of 31 countries and for designing chapter called “Teachers and support personnel” within the Regional report, in cooperation with Network of education policy centers (NEPC) and regional partners.
Data collection is done in partnership with European agency for special needs and inclusive education.
Analysis objective is to present the level of professional preparedness and training of school staff for implementation of inclusive education policies, level of school staff professional development in the area of inclusive education and their motivation. “Teachers and support personnel” chapter will present comparative analysis and main trends in the countries covered by the Report, as well as the conclusions and recommendations for improvement of policies related to school staff and inclusive education.
Analysis on progress in negotiation process with EU in the chapters 25 and 26 (2020)
Aim of the analysis is to assess realisation of demands from chapters related to science, research, education and culture, from the moment of opening and temporary closure of these chapters (2016/2017), until the end of 2019. Analysis contains starting points in these areas, review of the conducted measures and activities and the policy segments that need further improvement.
The results of the analysis will be presented at the conference "European Integration of Serbia 2016-2020: How far have we progressed towards EU membership?" in February 2020.
The analysis is commissioned by Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Serbia.
Mapping of Youth Policies, Programmes and Mechanisms of Youth Participation in Decision Making in the Western Balkans (2019)
The aim of the project was to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing national youth policies and programmes, as well as to map major national and international interventions aimed at youth population by the donor community in the Western Balkans Five.
This project included provision of 5 national reports that covered overview of the national youth policy framework; overview of national youth programmes and major national interventions/instruments aimed at youth; description of the existing mechanisms of youth participation in national policy making and status of the establishment of national youth councils; and summary of major interventions aimed at youth population by the donor community.
Centre for Education Policy is responsible for designing report for Serbia and the comparative report, that identified good practice examples, opportunities for peer-learning and provided recommendations on possibilities to work together towards improvement of youth policies and increased effective engagement of young people on the decision-making in the Western Balkans.
Project is being implemented in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, and North Macedonia.
Project was implemented from May to July 2019 and was supported by Regional Cooperation Council (RCC).
Report on implementation of the Action plan on realisation of the Strategy for Education Development in Serbia 2020 for year 2018 (2019)
The main objective of conducted activities was to provide assistance to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MoESTD) in reporting on implementation of activities from Action Plan on realisation of the Strategy for Education Development in Serbia 2020 that were performed in 2018.
Report preparation included desk review of the relevant documents, data collection and systematization of qualitative and quantitative data, data analysis and interpretation, as well as presentation of the results to MoESTD and Social inclusion and poverty reduction unit of the Government of Serbia representatives.
Report was prepared in the period from February to March 2019.
Report was commissioned by Social inclusion and poverty reduction unit of the Government of Serbia.
Feasibility study on the introduction of the compulsory secondary education in Serbia (2018-2019)
Feasibility study was developed with aim to serve as a foundation for further consideration of the policy option to introduce compulsory secondary education in Serbia. Study preparation included analysis of international best practices regarding introduction to compulsory secondary education (reviewing different models and effects they had on the education systems, changing the law etc.), analysis of different data on education in Serbia (number of schools, students, teachers, demographic trends, expenditure on education from central government and local government levels etc.), organizing interviews with different stakeholder in order to gain their perspective on introducing the compulsory secondary education (schools representatives, parents, different institutions etc.), creating different scenarios which could be applied in Serbia, as well as organizing consultation with the decision makers.
Producing this Study is especially important having in mind that the Strategy for Education Development in Serbia 2020 envisions introduction of compulsory secondary education, therefore it provides to stakeholders research material which would help decision makers to choose the most adequate model for Serbia.
Mr. Stephen Paul Heyneman, PhD, education economy expert from the Vanderbilt University in Tennessee (USA), provided professional support to researchers from Centre for Education Policy in this assignment.
Project was conducted from February 2018 to July 2019.
This study was commissioned by UNICEF Office in Serbia.
Developing methodology for reporting on the implementation of the Action plan on realization of the Strategy for Education Development in Serbia 2020 (2018)
The aim of developing methodology for the Report on the implementation of the Action plan on realization of the Strategy for Education Development in Serbia 2020 was to provide support to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (MoESTD in the context of requirements EU has put on the MoESTD within the EU integration process
MoESTD was provided with addition support from Centre for Education Policy’s researchers in terms of preparation of report on implementation of activities from the Action plan, that were performed in the period from 2015 to 2018, as well as developing methodology for self-evaluation in the context of the Sector budget support (SBS) requirements
These activities were conducted from March to August 2018 with support of GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH).
School Network Rationalization Feasibility Study and School Mapping Exercise (2017-2018)
School network optimization feasibility study and school mapping have been prepared as a assistance to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, with the ultimate goal to assess pre-university education school network and to present and elaborate collected data and school optimization models.
Within the study, methodology for schools grouping according to rationalization possibilities has been developed, school mapping activity has also been conducted in terms of designing geo maps, and school grouping has been conducted according with mentioned methodology. Optimization models have been proposed for each of the groups of schools, taking into account not only the increase in the efficiency of the school network, but also the educational equality and the availability of education.
Study has been developed in cooperation with external associates – Mr. Mihajlo Babin, PhD (education expert) and Ms. Verka Jovanovic, PhD (expert in area of geoscience).
Study has been developed in the period from May 2017 to March 2018.
Study was commissioned by the World Bank.
Networking for agricultural schools in Serbia (2018)
Aim of this project is networking of agricultural schools in Serbia by jointly developing digital teaching materials and their sharing and exchange.
Focus of the project was on teachers’ capacity building for development of digital materials and, as the project product, an online platform called AgroNet Serbia has been established for sharing the developed materials among them and with other interested parties.
A total of 28 agricultural schools participated in the project.
Project was implemented from January to April 2018, in cooperation with Institute for Improvement of Education and European training foundation.
Alternative Reporting for the Implementation of the Action Plan for Chapter 23 (2017)
The project aims to determine the quality of implementation of measures in the Action Plan for Chapter 23, sections on the combating corruption in particularly vulnerable areas, repression of corruption, inclusion of civil society in anti-corruption programs and improvement of the situation in the judiciary and in the area of fundamental rights.
The project is jointly implemented by the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP) and partners - the Association of Public Prosecutors and Deputy Public Prosecutors of Serbia (UTS), the Association of Lawyers for Medical and Health Law of Serbia (SUPRAM) and the Centre for Education Policy (CEP) from July to December 2017.
The research findings will be transmitted to the Alternative Report, presenting the main achievements and omissions in the implementation of the Action Plan, from the aspect of the implementation of measures and activities, their real effects and the impact on the promotion of citizens' rights.
Mapping Positions on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Doctors of Medicine, Dentists, Architects and Civil Engineers (2016-2017)
In the period from November 2016 to April 2017, Centre for Education Policy conducted a regional field research and developed the Study "Mapping the Position on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Doctors of Medicine, Dentists, Architects and Civil Engineers" in seven CEFTA parties.
The survey included a qualitative methodology and a total of 137 representatives from 94 institutions/organizations (line ministries, professional associations, relevant faculties) were interviewed.
The study served as a basis for discussion on the beginning of negotiations on mutual recognition of professional qualifications in South East Europe for the four professions.
The Study was commissioned by Regional Cooperation Council (RCC).
Study on School Network Rationalization in the City of Smederevo (2016)
The aim of the study was to provide an overview of the current state of the network of primary and secondary schools in the City of Smederevo and to develop optimisation modes as well as recommendations for improvement of the school network.
Within the study, available data was analysed and, based on it, various proposals for optimization of the network of schools were developed, which present support in the decision-making process on the new school network in this city. The recommendations within the study were designed in a way to respect the principles and goals of education policies in Serbia (rationality, efficiency, quality education process and accessibility of education).
The study was produced between August and October 2016.
The study was commissioned the City of Smederevo.
Study on the Network of Preschool and Primary Education institutions in the City of Belgrade (2015-2016)
Study was designed for the needs of the decision-makers at the level of the City of Belgrade with the aim to present different scenarios for rationalization of the network of primary schools and preschools.
Development of the study included analysis of the existing network based on the available data and analysis of regulatory framework, development of alternative scenarios for school network development and their fiscal implications, as well as development of optimization models, including conclusions and recommendations.
To complement the study, a Web application was developed – Atlas of the education system in Belgrade (ABOS) which is a unique instrument whose application allows monitoring of statistical data/indicators and active managing of the network of primary schools and preschool facilities. ABOS is available here.
Study was developed between August 2015 and April 2016.
Study was commissioned by the Secretariat for education and child protection of the City of Belgrade.
Coordination of the data collection and preparation of the report under the Torino Process for Serbia in 2014 (2014-2015)
CEP conducted consultative process with more than thirty participants with extensive experience and knowledge in the field of VET in Serbia and prepared the report for 2014 under the Torino Process for Serbia, aiming to to acquire up to date knowledge about the policies and their results in a country, to strengthen the ownership, participation and evidence-base policy making and improve the performance of policies in the field of VET.
here to download the report.
Coordination of the working group 25 and 26 (Science and Research; Education and Culture) within the National Convention on the European Union (2014-2017)
Initiated by the European Movement in Serbia, National Convention on the EU is established, as a permanent body for thematically structured debate on Serbian accession into the European Union, between representatives of the governmental bodies, political parties, NGOs, experts, syndicates, private sector and representatives of professional organizations. Adapted to the European integration process environment in Serbia, the NCEU has monitored the process of negotiation about Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA), as well as all other issues related to the Serbian accession to the EU.
Centre for Education Policy and Educational Forum coordinate working group for negotiating chapters 25 and 26 (Science and Research; Education and Culture)
Read more here.
Support to the Programme: Participation of Serbia in the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) of the European Union in Education and Training (2014-2015)
The Open Method of Coordination is a EU mechanism in the field of “soft” law. By participating in these working groups as an equal member, Serbia is able to use the best practices of EU Member States and their educational policies, as well as to present the achievement of its strategic and reform measures. Participation in the OMC may ensure not only the exchange of best practices and a basis for improving the quality of education, but also adequate preparation for fulfillment of the requirements, during Serbia’s accession negotiations with EU.
Center for Education Policy provides expert and administrative support in the implementation of initiative, together with the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit, project "Support Human Capital Development and Research – General Education and Human Capital Development" - IPA 2011 and TEMPUS Office.
Read more here.
Brouchure Supporting the Education of Children from Impoverished Backgrounds (2014)
The Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit, in collaboration with UNICEF, has supported the development of a study under the title "Providing Additional Support to Students from Vulnerable Groups in Pre-University Education" in 2013. The complete material can be downloaded here.
Based on the analysis of the current state, recommendations were made for the improvement of measures to support the education of children from families of low socio-economic status.Based on this analysis, the Center for Education Policy has developed a brochure " Supporting the Education of Children from Impoverished Backgrounds," published by the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and UNICEF.
Evaluation of the Delivery of Improved Local Services Project - DILS (2013-2014)
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the two components of the DILS project related to education: a) the program "Strengthening schools for inclusive education" at the school level, which includes training for school staff and grants for school projects and b) grant program "Education Inclusion of Roma" (DILS/REF program).
The study was commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.
Mapping Teacher Policies in Serbia (2013)
Overview of current teacher policies in Serbia and report based on the collected data and the most important results and conclusions from the research, with the objective of updating member s’ of the Network of Education Policies Centres (NEPC) knowledge on the current policy situation and identifying new project ideas for the future. Based on the country reports, comparative study of the teacher policies in the NEPC region was elaborated. It can be downloaded here.
The study was commissioned by NEPC.
Evaluation study of the Task Force Capacity Building Mobility Programme for Regional Cooperation (2013)
The main of objective of the study was to evaluate the short and long-term effects of the Task Force Capacity Building Mobility Programme for Regional Cooperation on individuals involved in the programme, in relation to their pre-knowledge, experiences and skills and give recommendations for improvement of the Programme in the context of promotion of regional cooperation and networking, building of administrative capacities of civil servants and strengthening of existing, as well as establishment of new partnerships.
The report was commissioned by the Task Force Fostering and Building Human Capital (TFBHC) of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and supported by the KulturKontakt Austria.
Demand Assessment on Establishment of Integrated University in Uzice (2013)
The objective of the Demand Assessment on Establishment of Integrated University in Uzice was to identify and give recommendations on the study programmes and profiles in relation to current and future labour market needs in the Zlatibor Region, an estimation of potential student population and necessary teaching and non-teaching staff of the Integrated University of Uzice, as well as an estimation of economic impact of opening the Integrated University in the Zlatibor region.
The study was commissioned by the USIAD, within the Sustainable Local Development Project.
Click here to download the study (available in Serbian).
Assistance in data collection instrument preparation and data analysis (2012)
Review of the student questionnaire for the Anti-Corruption Student Network (ACSN) in South East Europe on student’s attitude and experience with corruption in higher education. Assistance in data analysis and finalisation of report on the subject.
The activity was commissioned by the Higher Education Support Program (HESP) at the Open Society Foundations.
Overview on the procedures and obstacles to foreign qualifications recognition in Serbia (2012)
Report on the procedures and obstacles to foreign qualifications recognition in Serbia, for both academic and professional purposes, with focus on the University of Belgrade and the University of Novi Sad.
The report was commissioned by SPARK.
Support for quality assurance within the national primary and secondary education examination system (2012)
Report on the entrance exams practices in Serbia and attitudes of higher education institutions towards potential change in the enrolment policy. The research was based on the analysis of documents and structured interviews with 25 faculty vice-deans for education and individuals responsible for the organisation of entrance exams at four universities in Serbia.
The report was commissioned by the EU project “Support for quality assurance within the national primary and secondary education examination system.”
Mapping Regional Capacities for Evidence-based Policy Making in Education in South Eastern Europe (2012)
Report on regional capacities for evidence-based policy making in education, which identifies and positions evidence, actors and interaction in education policy making in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro and Serbia.
The report was commissioned by the Joint Cluster of Knowledge for Evidence-based Policy Making of the Education Reform Initiative South Eastern Europe and the Task Force for Human Capital Building of the Regional Cooperation Council and supported by the KulturKontakt Austria.
Click here to download the report.
Assessment of Integrity/Corruption in the Serbian Education System (2011)
Report on the integrity/corruption of the education system in Serbia using assessment methodology developed by OECD, focusing on the assessment of key elements and possible shortcomings in two domains - education policy and preventive framework.
The report was commissioned by OECD (INTES project), within its cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia.
Review of the Secondary Education in Serbia (2010)
The principle aim of this analysis was to provide a full account of the current status of secondary education in Serbia and the sizable efforts of the Serbian government in reforming secondary education, as well as outline recommendations for Government’s future engagement. The report focuses on the key elements of the system of secondary education in Serbia: organisation, students, educational offer, teachers and financial resources.
The report was commissioned by the World Bank, within its cooperation with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia.