Short term projects

In addition to the projects which Centre for Education Policy implements, on its own or in cooperation with other institutions, CEP also conducts commissioned analyses, produces reports for various institutions and organisations and supports relevant initiatives in the field of education. On this page, we provide the list of these activities.

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Evaluation of the Scholarship Programme for Master's and Doctoral Studies Abroad of the Fund for Young Talents (April - August 2024)

Inquiry of parents' contentment with half-day flexible programs within the project "Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care“ (September 2023 - February 2024)


Analysis of the role and position of non-state actors in Serbia and Montenegro for the purposes of the UNESCO study (April-July 2022)

Regional Youth Leadership  Mobility Program (October 2021 – June 2022)

Teachers and support personnel analysis within UNESCO Regional report on inclusion and education in Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (2020)

Analysis on progress in negotiation process with EU in the chapters 25 and 26 (2020)

Mapping of Youth Policies, Programmes and Mechanisms of Youth Participation in Decision Making in the Western Balkans (2019)

Report on implementation of the Action plan on realisation of the Strategy for Education Development in Serbia 2020 for year 2018 (2019)

Feasibility study on the introduction of the compulsory secondary education in Serbia (2018-2019)

Developing methodology for reporting on the implementation of the Action plan on realization of the Strategy for Education Development in Serbia 2020 (2018)

School Network Rationalization Feasibility Study and School Mapping Exercise (2017-2018)

Networking for agricultural schools in Serbia (2018)

Alternative Reporting for the Implementation of the Action Plan for Chapter 23 (2017)

Mapping Positions on Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Doctors of Medicine, Dentists, Architects and Civil Engineers (2016-2017)

Study on School Network Rationalization in the City of Smederevo (2016)

  • The aim of the study was to provide an overview of the current state of the network of primary and secondary schools in the City of Smederevo and to develop optimisation modes as well as recommendations for improvement of the school network.
  • Within the study, available data was analysed and, based on it, various proposals for optimization of the network of schools were developed, which present support in the decision-making process on the new school network in this city. The recommendations within the study were designed in a way to respect the principles and goals of education policies in Serbia (rationality, efficiency, quality education process and accessibility of education).
  • The study was produced between August and October 2016.
  • The study was commissioned the City of Smederevo.

Study on the Network of Preschool and Primary Education institutions in the City of Belgrade (2015-2016)

  • Study was designed for the needs of the decision-makers at the level of the City of Belgrade with the aim to present different scenarios for rationalization of the network of primary schools and preschools.
  • Development of the study included analysis of the existing network based on the available data and analysis of regulatory framework, development of alternative scenarios for school network development and their fiscal implications, as well as development of optimization models, including conclusions and recommendations.
  • To complement the study, a Web application was developed – Atlas of the education system in Belgrade (ABOS) which is a unique instrument whose application allows monitoring of statistical data/indicators and active managing of the network of primary schools and preschool facilities. ABOS is available here.
  • Study was developed between August 2015 and April 2016.
  • Study was commissioned by the Secretariat for education and child protection of the City of Belgrade.

Coordination of the data collection and preparation of the report under the Torino Process for Serbia in 2014 (2014-2015)

Coordination of the working group 25 and 26 (Science and Research; Education and Culture) within the National Convention on the European Union (2014-2017)

Support to the Programme: Participation of Serbia in the Open Method of Coordination (OMC) of the European Union in Education and Training (2014-2015)

Brouchure Supporting the Education of Children from Impoverished Backgrounds (2014)

Evaluation of the Delivery of Improved Local Services Project - DILS (2013-2014)

Mapping Teacher Policies in Serbia (2013)

Evaluation study of the Task Force Capacity Building Mobility Programme for Regional Cooperation (2013)

Demand Assessment on Establishment of Integrated University in Uzice (2013)

Assistance in data collection instrument preparation and data analysis (2012)

Overview on the procedures and obstacles to foreign qualifications recognition in Serbia (2012)
Support for quality assurance within the national primary and secondary education examination system (2012)
Mapping Regional Capacities for Evidence-based Policy Making in Education in South Eastern Europe (2012)
Assessment of Integrity/Corruption in the Serbian Education System (2011)
Review of the Secondary Education in Serbia (2010)