
Our library is a collection of more than 2.000 reference books on sociology, economics, governance and other areas of education policy, research methods, as well as other relevant topics. Most books are either in English or Serbian, with a number of titles in other languages. The library can be browsed through the online catalogue on this page.

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Title Author Publication year In stock
Časopis za KVIR teoriju i kulturu Dejan U. Aničić Yes
CEEC/CIS Regional Framework for Monitoring Out of school Children and Adolescents Yes
Čemu još sociologija? Karel Turza 1996 Yes
Central European University 1999 Yes
Centres of Excellence in Finnish University Education Kirsi Hiltunen 2009 Yes
CEPS Journal 2012 Yes
CEPS Journal 2012 Yes
Challenging Knowledge Gerard Delanty 2011 Yes
Change of Degrees and Degrees of Change Johanna Katharina Witte 2006 Yes
Changing stages Richard Eyre and Nicholas Wright 2001 Yes
Charte de Fedora sur l'orientation et le conseil dans l'Espace Europée de l'Enseignement Supérieur 2007 Yes
Child and Adolescent Development Kelvin L. Seifert
Robert J. Hoffnung
1987 Yes
Child Development and Personality Paul Henry Mussen
John Janewau Conger
Jerome Kagan
1979 Yes
Child Development and Personality Paul Henry Mussen
John Janewau Conger
Jerome Kagan
1956 Yes
child development and personality Paul Henry Mussen; John Janeway Conger; Jerome Kagan Yes
Child Development and Personality Paul Henry Mussen
John Janewau Conger
Jerome Kagan
1979 Yes
Child Psychology Terry Faw 1980 Yes
Civil Monitoring Activities Evaluation Report Güher Erbil
Aygen Yenigün
Civil Paths to Peace 2007 Yes
Civil rights and obligations are connected to environmental issues in the curricula? Lana Jurko
Daniela Dumitru
Mladen Domazet
Kaja Peterson
2012 Yes
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