
The first meeting of the National Platform for Cooperation within the project Action for Reducing Inequalities in Education (ARISE) was organized

17 January 2022

The first meeting of the National Platform for Cooperation within the project Action for Reducing Inequalities in Education (ARISE) was organized

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Regional Youth Leadership Mobility Programme – Call for Applications

17 November 2021

Centre for Education Policy (Serbia) and the Science and Innovation for Development Centre (Albania) are launching a Call for Participation in the Regional Youth Leadership Mobility Programme (RYL-MP).

The Programme is open to youth representatives (21-30 years old) from academia and civil society organizations interested in developing capacities in the field of leadership, research, and intercultural competencies, and in strengthening regional relations between Serbia and Albania.

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Ten local self-governments for providing support to students from vulnerable groups

17 June 2021

Representatives of local self-governments participated in the second plenary working meeting in Nis on June 15th and 16th 2021, organized by the Centre for Education Policy, within the project Together in transition - Support to Children from Vulnerable Groups in Transition to Secondary Education.

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First online workshop for students organised within the project „Interactive and jointly created multimedia guides“

16 April 2021

The workshop was organised for the first grade and the second grade students from Third Belgrade gymnasium and Fifth Belgrade gymnasium.

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National Report for Serbia and Policy Brief Published within the ARISE Project

26 February 2021

Centre for Education Policy has prepared a National Report for Serbia and the Policy Brief within the regional project "Action for Reducing Inequalities in Education" (ARISE), implemented in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo *, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey, and funded by the European Commission.

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Final conference held within the project "ICE Club - Overcoming segregative multiculturalism: parents and teachers towards interculturalism"

14 December 2020

On Friday, December 11 2020, the final conference of the project "ICE Club - Overcoming segregative multiculturalism: parents and teachers towards interculturalism" was held, where results of small actions, considered to be good practice examples, were presented. 

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Working meeting of local self-government representatives held within the project "Together in transition"

16 October 2020

A two-day working meeting on the topic of identifying activities under the jurisdiction of local self-governments aimed at providing support to students from vulnerable groups was held on October 15-16 in Belgrade.


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“Together in transition” – local self-governments take part in the project for supporting education of students from vulnerable groups

11 September 2020

Ten cities and municipalities from Serbia (Aleksinac, Becej, Bor, Zabalj, Knjazevac, Leskovac, Nis, Novi Sad, Surdulica i Cuprija) take part in realisation of the project “Together in transition”.

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Online support for the final exam

19 May 2020

In just a few days from the moment when direct work of schools in Serbia stopped, teachers had organized themselves to conduct distance learning and to prepare materials for students who do not have the possibilities to access distance learning. However, these are not the only activities.

The answer to the question how to provide adequate preparation for the final exam in a situation when there is no regular educational process in schools, was given by the primary school "Zdravko Gložanski" from Becej, which participates in the project.



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Analysis on teachers and support personnel

04 May 2020

In cooperation with Network of education policy centers (NEPC), Centre for education policy is working on designing a chapter of UNESCO Regional report on inclusion and education in Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, within the 4 sustainable development goal (SDG) progress reporting.


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