
Our library is a collection of more than 2.000 reference books on sociology, economics, governance and other areas of education policy, research methods, as well as other relevant topics. Most books are either in English or Serbian, with a number of titles in other languages. The library can be browsed through the online catalogue on this page.

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Title Author Publication year In stock
Analiza karakteristika siromastva u Srbiji Jelena Markovic 2009 Yes
Analiza rodne dimenzije u visokoškolskom obrazovnom materijalu 2010 Yes
Analiza zakonodavstva Republike Srbije s aspekta prava deteta 2011 Yes
Andragogical Studies Miomir Despotović
Katarina Popović
2010 Yes
Andragogical Studies Katarina Popović
Miomir Despotović
2010 Yes
Andragogija na početku trećeg milenijuma Šefika Alibabić
Aleksandra Pejatović
2006 Yes
Andragoške studije Dr Dušan Savićević
Dr Miomir Despotović
Annual Report on OSCE Activities 2004 Yes
Annual Report on Regional Co-operation in South East Europe 2009 Yes
Appreciating Literature 1987 Yes
Appreciating Literature 1987 Yes
Arbeitshefte Stephan Ortner 1998 Yes
Arbeitshefte Stephan Ortner 1999 Yes
Arbeitsteilung in der Europäischen Union - die Rolle der Regionen Franz H. U. Borkenhagen
Thomas Fischer
Fritz Franzmeyer
Siegfried Magiera
Peter-Christian Müller-Graff
1999 Yes
Art in Yugoslavia 1996 Yes
AT - anthropology today 2004 Yes
At the Heart of the Union Neill Nugent 2000 Yes
Atlantida Borislav V. Pekić 1988 Yes
Audit manual for quality systems of Finnish higher education institutions 2011-2017 2011 Yes
Audits of Quality Assurance Systems for Finnish Higher Education Institutions 2006 Yes
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